Friday, March 11, 2011

A Welcome Warning to SXSW Participants

Dear SXSW Participants:  In this post Harold Cook offers a double-edged welcome to the participants of Austin's annual SXSW event.  Many native Austinites will agree with Mr. Cook's slant that the event is becoming increasingly more about drinking and partying than what it was originally created to do and that is educating and showcasing people on the arts, primarily independent films.  Since none of the visiting hoard will be doing much reading between their trips to the closest beer bong set-up, I would say that Harold Cook's writings will fall upon deaf ears and serve merely as a comic relief for those forced to endure the festivities that will take place in their neighborhoods.

However, Harold might be looking at this the wrong way.  Imagine all the revenue that will be generated after the Austin Police Department has finished issuing all the parking, public intoxication and noise complaint tickets.  Maybe they can get enough to save the local schools from closing, but then how would the city pay to put on this equally beneficial event next year?

Love the post, love the sarcasm, it's just missing one thing.  In bold print across the bottom it should read:

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