Friday, April 1, 2011

The Unseen Windstorm

The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) is an Austin, Tx based quasi-government company that was created by the State and overseen by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), however it is ran as a private company with no government benefits.  Most Austinites have never heard of TWIA because it deals solely with hurricane prone counties along the coast, but here lately this relatively small company has made national headlines with it's conspiracies and under the table dealings.

In the last month, three of the company's top officials have been fired for unethical conduct.  Reggie Warren and Bill Knarr were the first to be released when they were suspected of being involved in fraudulent claims adjustments with a private claims company.  Next to go was General manager Jim Oliver for his suspected involvement and lack of action in the fraudulent claims.  Since then, TDI has taken control over all executive decisions and left all the other "higher ups" within TWIA fearing for their jobs.

Who's being punished for the sins of the executives?  Not the public because the claims are all getting paid in a timely manner.  Not TDI because they claim that TWIA was it's own entity to run as they saw fit.  It's the lower-rung employees that are taking the brunt of the backlash.  With every VP and section supervisor afraid that they are next on the chopping block, they are projecting their fears onto their subordinates in an effort to look like they are part of the solution and not part of the problem.

Dear Texas Department of Insurance, when you are done with the executive managers, please take a look further down the chain of command.  I'm sure you will find some more unsavory characters that are in desperate need of a career change.


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