Friday, May 13, 2011

Law Breakers, BEWARE!

Texas Republic TImes had this opinion  New Immigration Bill but I'm going to have to take the other side on this issue and say that this Bill is exactly the kick in the pants that the local business owners need to show them that the government means to play for keeps. Business owners use these undocumented workers because they can be had for very cheap, which lets them bid lower on many construction jobs, and majority of the time they will be paid in cash so that the owner does not have to pay any taxes or carry any sort of insurance for these workers. This practice is essentially taking money out of our economy since they don't pay nearly as much taxes as their competitors.

You speak of discrimination and civil rights? Civil Rights are awarded to US citizens, which these illegal immigrants are not. And there is no discrimination. This bill is directed to the business owners that are breaking the LAW! Failure to pay taxes is a federal offense, punishable by both fines and jail time.

I'm certain that every single person that hires an undocumented worker will not be sentenced to two years jail time and fine. These are maximum sentences that can be handed out and will surely be reserved for the habitual offender. For the average person, the idea of jail time is a huge deterrent against committing any kind of offense and that is the reaction that they are looking for when they attach such terms to a bill or law.

I think this bill should be passed without any problems and is very easy to patrol for offenders. Let those who break the law, be punished accordingly.

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