Monday, February 7, 2011

Judge: Dallas man should be free after 25 years

Judge: Dallas man should be free after 25 years

This is one of several cases that have surfaced out of the Dallas County judicial system. The reason that Dallas County is leading in the Nation for over-turning convictions due to recent advances in DNA technology, is because the District Attorney's Office as well as the local law enforcement agencies were very adamant in keeping DNA evidence from years past. The Great State of Texas is setting the bar for other states in how we prosecute our criminals. We don't only offer these newly-aquitted citizens and hardy "sorry" and a pat on the shoulder, they are also compensated up to $80,000 a year for time spent wrong-fully imprisoned. What does the justice system think these individuals would have been doing had they not gone to prison? Become doctors? CEOs a company? Sounds like an overly apologetic attempt to me, but what do I know I've had to work all my life.

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