Friday, February 25, 2011

Who is more prejudice?

Pitts: The South lost - get over it already

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and Mr. L Pitts from the Miami Herald sure is voicing his. Right away you can hear his condemnation for the southern communities. The author flies off the handle with his own racial prejudices as he makes up his own version of the past. He begins by generalizing everyone in the South as back-wood, racists that are clinging to ideals that are held by only a select few. Perhaps Mr. Pitts should take a current history class so that he may learn the real reasons for the Civil War. The south was not fighting solely for slavery, they were trying to protect their way of life. Given that this posting is originally from the Miami Herald one could easily gather that Mr. Pitts has no clue about his audience nor their geographical location. Maybe he took the stance that he did on this issue so as to create a "buzz" about it and draw more readers. If you ask me, it sounds like a better way to be flooded by all sorts of hate mail from it's readers. Nathan Bedford Forrest was a renowned leader in the Confederate Army and history shows that he was not found guilty of any "war crimes" nor was he involved in the mentioned KKK organization. A congressional committee was convened on both matters and found no evidence against Forrest. So, for Pitts to claim such lies is nothing short of slander and he should be charged with such. This era in our Nation's history is covered with inhumane acts and practices, but to denounce a great man solely on the fact that he fought for the south is just as much of an injustice.

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